Dear Temple Shirat Shalom:
As you know, there was a fire at Cleveland Elementary School in Allentown, PA on the morning of Tuesday, February 24th. We were lucky enough that no students were in the building when the fire occurred, and two teachers acted quickly to ensure the safety of those inside. Thank you so much for your very generous donation to our school.
Please know that while the district was able to organize classroom spaces, transportation, temporary bus stops, classroom furniture, and textbooks for all of our students within three days of the fire, we were very short on school supplies for our teachers and students. The donation that we received from you has been integral to the smooth transition for our students, teachers, and families. Please accept this letter as an expression of our sincere gratitude for your support through this trying time. Let us know if there is any way we can return the favor in the future.
Tonya Swavely, Principal
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