The annual meeting of the Members of Temple Shirat Shalom will be held on Sunday, April 19, 2015, at 1:30 P.M. at the home of Don and Judith Belmont (1490 Shelburne Ct, Allentown).

Please join us for lunch at 12:30 PM!


The Agenda shall include election of the congregation’s Trustees and reports from the President, Treasurer, Clergy and such other committees and persons the Board of Trustees may request.


The Current Board consists of the following:

Officers: (2 year terms, 2 consecutive terms maximum)

President          Don Belmont        (end of term)

President elect    Elliot Gluskin

Vice President

Treasurer          Jay Plotnick

Secretary          Marcia Berkow      (end of term)

Chairpersons: (3 year terms, 1 term maximum)

Education          Shari Gluskin

Membership         Debi Nelson (resigning)

At large Board members: (3 year terms, 1 term max)

Member at large    Jon Hertz          (end of term)

Member at large    Audrey Nolte       (end of term)

Member at large    Liz Kamp           (2 years served)

Member at large    Susan Shmookler    (2 years served)

Member at large    Cheryl Shadick      (2 years served)

Member at large    Neil Hogan         (1 year served)

Member at large    Ellen Miller       (1 year served)



President          Elliot Gluskin

Secretary          Lynn Schiavone

Membership         Beth Marquardt

Member at large    Terry Schettini    (3 years)


Respectfully submitted

                        Stuart T Shmookler

                        Don Belmont

                        Neil Hogan

                        Elliot Gluskin

                        (Nominating Committee)


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