TSS Game Night – December 7th

JOIN US for TSS Game Night!
Inspired by David Vaida’s speed scrabble expertise and the new Mah Jong club of TSS, we decided to have a game night!

When: Sunday, 12/7

Where: The Belmont Game and Recreation Center

What Time: 5:30 PM

Food: Pot Luck Dinner – RSVP to Judy Belmont with your contribution

Something for everyone!

Whether you want to watch the Eagles game or play a game, we have it all!

Game ideas:

Mah Jong
Speed Scrabble
Shanghai Rummy
Bring any other favorite games

Open to TSS members and friends of TSS! All Ages Welcome!

No charge – Just a Pot Luck contribution.

RSVP with number of people and Pot Luck Contribution to: Judy Belmont at JABelmont3@gmail.com

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