Calling on Congregants who want to deliver a Shabbat Sermon


One very wonderful tradition we have at TSS is ‘Learning from One Another’ by way of lay sermons at Shabbat worship services. We learn about one another, we learn from one another, and we broaden our perspective through this unique activity. It has been a very meaningful undertaking for those of us who have developed and delivered a lay sermon. If you would like to deliver a Shabbat sermon, please contact Cantor Sussman.

Help deliver Meals on Wheels – Christmas day

Brotherhood will be sponsoring a mitzvah event on Christmas morning (Wednesday, Dec 25th). We will assist in delivering Meals on Wheels to Allentown clients. We will meet at 10:30 AM, and deliveries are usually completed by 1 PM. If available and interested, please contact Don Bastian (

New Prayer Books are Coming Soon!

New Prayer Books Coming Soon!

We will be introducing our new Prayer book – Mishkan T’filah – in the near future. This is the new official Siddur of Reform Judaism. It will replace the old Grey Gates of Prayer, which has certainly served its purpose with honor!

If you would like to sponsor a book, contact Audrey Nolte (


$36 = One Prayer Book

$72 = Two Prayer Books

$108 = Three Prayer Books

$144 = Four Prayer Books

$180 = Five Prayer Books

$360 = Ten Prayer Books

You get the idea!

Don’t be a schnook!  Sponsor a book!

Tribute Gift Options

If you would like to dedicate a prayer book, (minimum donation $36), your dedication will be permanently inscribed on the inside cover of the books. (“In Honor of…” or “In Memory of…” – your choice.) What better way to honor or memorialize someone you love!

Sponsor a Siddur Today!

Email Audrey Nolte (

New Prayer books

Starting on November 22 for Shabbat services we will be using our new prayer books. We just purchased copies of Mishkan T’fillah, the prayer book published by the Central Conference of American Rabbis, an affiliate of the Union of Reform Judaism. Although new for us, it was published in 2007 and is used throughout the country is Reform congregations. My liturgy professor at Hebrew Union College, Rabbi Doctor Lawrence Hoffman, said that each generation should write their own prayer book to reflect their own values. The prayer book is a complete worship service including all the prayers prescribed for all our holidays except the High Holydays. The English readings reflect what Jews in the 21st Century are concerned with, including feminism, social justice, Zionism, distinctiveness, and human challenges. We are a diverse people and Mishkan T’fillah tries to appeal to everyone. It gives many choices on the page to look at, either the Hebrew, direct translation of the prayers or poetic musings on our tradition. It is book that can move every Jew to worship.

I understand change is hard and congregants become attached to what they are familiar with. I feel we should all give Mishkan T’fillah a try.  Come to services – that is the only way to embrace a new initiative. I will be explaining the book at least for the first month that we will be using it, in hopes that you will become comfortable with the new text. This is an exciting adventure for TSS. Please meet me at services and let us explore Mishkan T’fillah together.